Multiple Scrum teams working on various parts of your business
How can we optimize
Two weeks sprints
(personal preference: three, but out of phase with month and possibly other teams. Four is too long)
Regular Scrum ceremonies (with caveats, see later)
planning and prioritisation, daily scrum, end of sprint demo, retrospective, end of sprint slack.
Standup at 9:30 with Scrum Master
Traditional Scrum: self-organising dev teams, with no need for SM at standup.
Personally against it. SM must be “in the trenches” and part of the team, but must not code
Information emitter (Scrum board): Post-it or Digital
Personal belief: tactile feedback of post-it notes has a positive effect on team focus.
Sadly, requires sync effort.
Scrum of Scrums: Tue/Thu at 10:00, with Scrum Masters and Product Owners
Reduces "PO in absentia effect", if occurring, by having PO in twice a week for questions
Goal: Improve effectiveness of the planning meeting (sprint day 1)
Expected result at the end of day 1
Rough estimate for medium/long term "rule of thumb" planning.
Backed by little evidence, unlike the numbers obtained by the procedure given earlier.
Rule of three for internal solutions: make it, use it, bin it
Team productivity (velocity) depends on:
Emergent design
Enhancement proposals