libstdc++ dependencies notes
Imagine you have a big C++ program, such as Firefox, and you want to compile it, link it, package it, and distribute it in binary form. You want to use a recent version of g++ (for example, 4.6.3) because it has some nice things and bugfixes that make your life easy as a programmer, such as better compliance to the C++ standard. Now you ship it to your users, and some of them start reporting error messages such as this one
/usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found
What’s going on? and how can you fix it?
The g++/libstdc++ pair
You just entered a world of pain. The problem is complex, and it is due to how g++ and the standard C++ library interact. If you start digging into this problem, the first confusion you have to address is in terms of version numbers, API and ABI.
libstdc++ is a library that provides a bunch of classes, routines and templates. This set is provided to source client code in terms of an API, which is versioned according to the changes the developers introduced in each new release. The development team takes particular care in providing changes that do not disrupt the API, which means that, as long as they add new things (new classes, new routines etc) there’s no problem, as long as the API is concerned: the old API is still intact, and the new API is an extension of the old one.
When the stdc++ library is compiled with a specific compiler version, the compiled entity now introduces another magical acronym: the ABI (application binary interface). The ABI is decided both by how the API and the compiler organize compiled code in the final object file. The final, compiled object you link against provides you a set of entry points and conventions your objects link against, against its ABI.
Every new release of g++ (for example, 4.2.0) is associated to a specific version of libstdc++ (for 4.2.0, version number is Note however, that also g++ 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 are associated to the same version of libstdc++ 6.0.9. You can find the associations at this page. Given the compiler/library association, and the fact that ABI=API+compiler, it follows that every version of libstdc++ is associated to a specific ABI version. The ABI version is extremely important and the core problem of the error above.
How do other projects address this issue? I did some searching, and apparently what they do is to trick or allow the compiler not to use the problematic symbols. I found this post for mozilla,
In this case, the patch is relatively small,
problems with libc
Unfortunately, libstdc++ is not the only problem. There’s also the problem with libc. is normally a link to a specific libc library (f.ex. lib64/ and it also has symbol versions, so if you compile against lib64/ and try to run on lib64/, it is likely it won’t work with errors like
/lib64/ version GLIBC_2.14 not found (required by ....)
I assumed the C library came with the compiler, but this is not the case. When you install a new compiler, there is no new version of the C library waiting for you.
To add to the trouble, libc works in concert with the kernel, so there is a dependency of the compiled libc against a specific kernel version.
- libc does not like being linked statically (unsupported)
So, how do others solve this problem? Mozilla apparently hacks its code so not to trigger the inclusion of the new symbols, or they just link dummy routines so that the dependency is satisfied locally (instead of toward the library). Here you can see an example of Mozilla implementing these strategies by checking __GNUC__
and __GNUC__MINOR__
(the compiler version) for preprocessing purposes. Both these solution assume that your code is relatively self contained and the dependencies are not hard to workaround. If you have a complex runtime with a lot of C++ libraries, the dependencies might creep in from the runtime, forcing you to patch not only your code, but also someone else’s code. It is also not necessarily possible to achieve complete removal of the symbols. If, for example, you generate swig interfaces, the compiled wrapper might depend on these symbols, and patching the swig product is close to insanity. Occasionally, the mozilla team went as far as patching the stdc++ library, something you can of course do only if you compile the compiler as part of your development runtime.
The backward compatibility might, in the end, arise from pure luck.
See also