I recently recovered the code I wrote on the commodore 64 when I was 10 or so. Among it was a mandelbrot generator, in basic.

    5 poke 53265,59:poke 53272,29
    6 for i=8192 to 8192+7999:poke i,0:next
   10 print"{clr}"
   20 for i=200 to 999
   30 for j=0 to 7
   40 for k=7 to 0 step -1
   50 b=2.5-(5/200)*j-8*int(i/40)*(5/200)
   60 a=-4+(5/320)*k+(i-int(i/40)*40)*8*(5/320)
   70 a1=a:b1=b:co=0
   80 a1=a1^2+b1^2+a:b1=2*a1*b1+b
   90 d=sqr(a1^2+b1^2)
  100 if d>2 then 130
  110 if co=5 then gosub 300:goto 130
  120 co=co+1:goto 80
  130 next k:next j:next i
  140 end
  300 poke 8192+i*8+j,peek(8192+i*8+j)or 2^k
  310 return
  600 a=a^2+b^2:b=2*a*b
  700 a=a+rc:b=b+ic
  800 d=sqr(a^2+b^2)

For some reason or another that I didn’t want to explore, it produced a broken image.


It looks like a combination of poor indexing in the graphical memory space and a wrong equation. So I rewrote it, also simplifying the cycle and the “graphical driver”

    5 poke 53265,59:poke53272,29
    6 fori=8192 to 8192+7999:pokei,0:next
    7 print chr$(147)
   10 rs=-3:re=1:is=-1:ie=1.5:rd=(re-rs)/320:id=(ie-is)/200
   20 for co=0 to 319
   30 for ro=0 to 199
   50 r=rs+co*rd:i=is+ro*id
   55 it=0:a=0:b=0
   57 a1=a^2-b^2+r:b1=2*a*b+i
   59 if (a1^2+b1^2)>4 then goto 130
   61 a=a1:b=b1:it=it+1
   63 if it < 100 then goto 57
   80 ad=8192+8*int(co/8)+40*8*int(ro/8)+ro-(8*int(ro/8))
   90 va=2^(7-(co-8*int(co/8)))
  100 poke ad,(peek(ad) or va)
  130 next ro
  140 next co

The result is much more in line with what’s supposed to look like


This image took 3 days to render. The same operation on a modern computer takes so little time it’s pretty much interactive. Maybe I should try to write it in 6502 ASM…